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SpeakHDL FPGA Development Board Examples:

The SpeakHDL design examples below were synthesized with Xilinx Vivado and downloaded to a Diligent Nexus4 development board for validation. Users with a different Xilinx Series 7 development board are responsible for adjusting the clock frequency, the pinout of the clock and reset, in addition to changing any local pinout information specific to the example.

Blinking 2 LEDs

Configure two general purpose hardware counters to blink two LEDs at different rates. One LED toggles on and off every second while the other LED toggles every 500ms.
Design A 640x480 VGA controller to display red and green vertical stripes on a monitor.
Design both a UART receiver and transmitter capable of looping back 8 bits of data to a PC at a 9600 baud rate by using a state machine.
Design a 3 digit counter that counts from 0 to 999 with the least significant digit incrementing at 100ms on a seven segment display using time multiplexing.

SpeakHDL Usage Examples:

Usage examples are used to demonstrate specific SpeakHDL API features or command syntax.  Each example incorporates a list of voice/hotkey commands, a code snippet along with simulation results. Usage examples are not specific to any FPGA development board. The user is only responsible for setting the desired system clock frequency before running the simulation.

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