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<body> <form>

<textarea class="form-control" id="system-input" style="width: 100%;height: 60px;">You are an assistant that creates training data for a custom AI model by looking at data descriptions and examples of how to utilize the data.</textarea>
<textarea class="form-control" id="user-input" style="width: 100%;height: 300px;">Summarize the following data with enough information to teach a custom AI model. Generate new examples if you think the new examples would be more informative. Elaborate on concepts if you think it would help a custom AI model learn the information better.</textarea>
<button class="btn btn-secondary" id="submit-button" type="button" style="width: 50%;">Submit</button>{% csrf_token %} <script> const submitButton = document.getElementById('submit-button');
// Define a function to be executed when the button is clicked
function handleSubmitButtonClick() {

    const systemInputText = document.getElementById("system-input").value;
    const userInputText = document.getElementById("user-input").value;
    const apikey = document.getElementById("api-key").value;
    const modelSelection = document.getElementById("model-drowpdown-button");

    let responseText = document.getElementById("response-textbox");

  // Create a JSON object
    let formData = new FormData();
    formData.append('system_input', systemInputText);
    formData.append('user_input', userInputText);
    formData.append('api_key', apikey);

  // const formData = {
  //   system_input: systemInputText,
  //   user_input: userInputText,
  //   api_key: apikey,
  // };

  // Convert the JSON object to a string
  const jsonData = JSON.stringify(formData);
  const user_csrftoken = document.querySelector('[name=csrfmiddlewaretoken]').value;

  // Define the URL where you want to send the JSON data
  const url = '/chat/form/'; // Replace with your actual API URL
//Use the Fetch API to send a POST request with JSON data fetch(url, { // credentials: "same-origin", method: "POST", // or "PUT", "GET", "DELETE", etc. depending on your use case headers: { // "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", // Specify that you are sending JSON data "X-CSRFToken": user_csrftoken }, body: formData // Pass the JSON data as the request body }) .then(response => { if (!response.ok) { throw new Error("Network response was not ok"); } return response.json(); // Parse the response JSON if needed }) .then(data => { console.log("Response from server:", data); responseText.value = data['content'] }) .catch(error => { console.error("Error:", error); });
// Your code logic here // alert(Submit but-on clicked! ${systemInputText} and also ${userInputText} and agggglso ${apikey}); }
// Attach the event listener to the button submitButton.addEventListener('click', handleSubmitButtonClick);
<textarea class="form-control" id="response-textbox" style="height: 400px;"></textarea>
<input class="form-control" type="text" id="api-key">

</form> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script src="../assets/js/bss_custom_js.js"></script> <script src=""></script> </body>
