The REGISTER_FOR_EVENT and the FIRE_EVENT APIs are complementary procedure calls which are meant to be utilized in tandem. One application module uses the FIRE_EVENT procedure call to request that the framework module fire an event on event_index, while another application module calls the REGISTER_FOR_EVENT procedure call to schedule a state machine transition if and when event number event_index is received. In addition, the caller of FIRE_EVENT can also request to transition to state transition_state after any application module receives the fired event. This acknowledgment type behavior can be used as a form of synchronization between application modules, without the need to write any additional code.
When compared to other framework communication schemes, event firing can be viewed as a broadcast mechanism. Whereas, WRITE_FIFO_DATA can be viewed as a data path mechanism and the shared_register_group procedure can be viewed as a control path mechanism. The REGISTER_FOR_EVENT and FIRE_EVENT APIs also provide better semantics than using a SHARED_REGISTER procedure call when only a notification is needed and there is no need to pass data. In addition, firing events has the advantage of explicitly tying a change in the system state to a change in a state machine state.
REGISTER_FOR_EVENT( 0, st_sync, next_state_rec, state_reg_rec );
[in] | event_index | [1] framework event number |
[in] | transition_state | [2] state to transition to after receiving an event or an acknowledgement of reception of an event |
[out] | next_state_rec | [3] |
[in] | state_reg_rec | [4] |
[in] | tigger_time* | [5] (simulation only) simulation time in which to raise own event to bypass waiting for event |
[in] | state_reg_rec(M).event_vector(N) | [1] [std_logic] value asserted by from framework when an application module requests an event |
Voice and Hotkey Commands:
[in] | event_index | [2] f"index <integer>" |
[in] | transition_state | [3] "go to [state] (<state>|<integer>)" |
[in] | trigger_time_option* | [5] "(trigger time| timeout) (<timing function>)" |
[in] | state_reg_rec(M).event_vector(N) | [1] [std_logic] "event <integer>" |
Voice Command | HotKey Sequence |
"register for event one" | rfe1 |
"go to state received" | goto st_received |
Procedures | |
REGISTER_FOR_EVENT( event_index: natural transition_state: integer signal next_state_rec: out NSR state_reg_rec: in SRR ) | |
REGISTER_FOR_EVENT( event_index: natural transition_state: integer signal next_state_rec: out NSR_ARRAY state_reg_rec: in SRR_ARRAY ) | |
overloaded for array interface and trigger after sim time |