source Directory Reference


The source directory contains all the user created and auto-generated source code for a SpeakHDL project. The folder contains the configuration file, the application module .vhd files in addition to the auto-generated ok.log and top directory. The developer may also choose to place optional input data files, such as .dat files containing an array of std_logic_vectors in the source directory. Organizing the directory structure this way makes it possible to simply add the source directory recursively inside a simulation/synthesis toolchain.


directory  top
 [auto-generated]: Folder containing (4) auto-generated files that are created or updated when the 'ok' command is given


file  app_module_1.vhd
 [user created] Application module file
file  app_module_2.vhd
 [user created] Application module file
file  data_array.dat
 [optional] Data file containing an array of std_logic_vector values
file  IO_CONFIG.cfg
 [auto-generated]: Configuration file containing the sys_clk frequency, VHDL constants, aliases, and application module pinout information
file  ok.log
 [auto-generated]: Log file detailing any error or warning information reported after the 'ok' command is given