API Reference
Below is the list of the most commonly used API calls:
[detail level 12]
 Framework SignalsState machine abstraction, array of record signals passed to every procedure call
 state_reg_recSequential logic portion of state machine configured by procedure calls (input to application modules)
 next_state_recCombinatorial logic portion of state machine configured by procedure calls (output from application modules)
 Timing FunctionsHelper functions that calculate an integer number of clock cycles lapsed based on the resource clock frequency
 Read From File FunctionsHelper functions to read an array of data from a .dat file
 DISABLE_FILEProcedure to disable an application module from being incorporated at the top level and connected to the framework
 RESOURCE_SELECTProcedure for selecting clock domain and framework resource for components (overloaded)
 CONFIGURE_COUNTERProcedure to count clock cycles, signal edges or transitions. (overloaded)
 RESET_COUNTERProcedure to reset a general purpose counter back to count zero. (overloaded)
 WRITE_FIFO_DATAProcedure to write data to a fifo buffer (or register) for 'data path' communications (overloaded)
 READ_FIFO_DATAProcedure to read data from a fifo buffer (or register) for 'data path' communications (overloaded)
 RESET_FIFOProcedure to reset a fifo buffer on a resource clock domain
 WRITE_SHARED_REGISTERProcedure to write and or read data to a shared register for 'control path' communications (overloaded)
 READ_SHARED_REGISTERProcedure to read data to a shared register for 'control path' communications (overloaded)
 MONITOR_FALLING_EDGESProcedure for detecting a falling edge of an input signal (overloaded)
 MONITOR_RISING_EDGESProcedure for detecting a rising edge of an input signal (overloaded)
 TRANSITIONProcedure to schedule a state machine transition (overloaded)
 CONDITIONAL_TRANSITIONProcedure for transitioning to a state machine state in response to signal change (overloaded)
 FIRE_EVENTProcedure for firing a framework event signal (overloaded)
 REGISTER_FOR_EVENTProcedure receiving a framework event signal (overloaded)
 SHIFT_DATA_LEFTProcedure to shift input data to the left (overloaded)
 SHIFT_DATA_RIGHTProcedure to shift input data to the right (overloaded)
 RESET_LEFT_SHIFTERProcedure to reset left shift register (overloaded)
 RESET_RIGHT_SHIFTERProcedure to reset right shift register (overloaded)
 other docs
 APPLICATION MODULE STRUCTUREStructure of Application Module
 NAMING CONVENTIONSNaming conventions
 AXI STREAM INTERFACEProductivity using AXI Stream Interface Components
 ALIASES AND CONSTANTSSyntax and commands for declaring VHDL constants and signals
 SIGNAL ASSIGNMENTSSyntax for signal assignment supporting both combinatorial and registered logic
 STATE MACHINE CONSTRUCTIONSyntax for setting up the state register states
 CONFIGURATION_FILE[auto-generated]: Configuration file containing the sys_clk frequency, VHDL constants, aliases, and application module pinout information